As more public places are anti-fragrance, it is difficult to find a hairspray that is suitable for the office.
Clinique, long-known for products suitable for those with sensitive skin and eyes, has a hairspray that manages to simultaneously pull off the five following beauty feats:
- Unscented . And when I say unscented, I mean not just devoid of a perfume-y top note scent masking the noxious smell of hairspray or alcohol, it is impressively devoid of detectible scent or odor in the bottle or when sprayed on my hair.
- Non-Aerosol. Irritating to the eyes and banned from many offices, aerosols are just not an option for some situations.
- A fine mist. My primary gripe against most non-aerosol hairsprays is when it sprays, it is in uneven spurts that completely miss some areas and soak others. This is a light, even coverage.
- Hold without buildup. A light to medium hold you can still brush through and not get gunky flakes or clumps of hair and stringy pieces. When combed out, hair looks like normal, clean hair, not dull, post-style stringiness.
- Hair is touchable after use. Not crunchy. Big bonus.
Like a covert beauty weapon, Clinique Non-Aerosol is my go-to hairspray for when I am not *SUPPOSED* to be wearing hairspray” like to the office, for outside events like picnics, or other low-key events.
I can’t say this would be my hairspray for a big event or night out, or if I was looking to tease in volume for a high pony tail or updo. For these styles a different spray would likely give longer and stronger hold. I also did not feel it particularly added any shine (or dullness as some sprays can do), but I suppose that is part of not being very detectible.
Good go-to hairspray for the office or activities you are supposed to look polished and presentable, but not done-up – REALLY no scent.
Where to Find It

Clinique Non Aerosol Hairspray
Irma Smits says
Hallo allemaal,
Ik gebruik al 40 jaar Clinique haar spray, ik woon in Nederland maar kan het nergens meer kopen alleen in de US maar daar mogen ze het niet versturen naar Nederland.
Kunnen jullie mij helpen ik zou graag 5 flessen willen kopen.