A French Press is designed for use with ground coffee, espresso, and tea. The brewing method of a French Press lends towards a smoother, richer cup of coffee because it is a slower gradual brew than when water is run over coffee grinds in a coffeemaker. It is also an easy method to do espresso at home without the expense and mess of coffeehouse-style brewers.
But what I like about this French Press is that does loose leaf teas very well, allowing the tea to open and unfurl and thus reveal the full flavor, especially so with delicate oolongs, whites, and even some monkey-picked green teas that brew quickly. If you enjoy loose leaf teas, you will really like having a way to brew that allows the flavor room to breathe and it is intriguing to watch the tea brewing process. I enjoy brewing in a French Press instead of a tea ball or tea bag because it allows the tea to release the best flavors, and the French Press keeps unwanted tea leaves out of your brewed cup.
The premise of a French press is it is a cylinder shaped beaker often of glass (in this case, this French Press is made with heat resistant and Borosilicate glass) and a plunger that attaches to the lid. The piston of a French Press plunger is generally some sort of mesh. This French press does one better by having a heavier weight colander type multi-layer screen strainer that allows water to flow through but does not allow the grounds or tea leaves to pass into the water.
The French Press is small so it is the perfect size cup that will stay warm until served. There are no flimsy pieces, it feels durable and strong and the design suits various decors.
The French press is well made and easy to clean when brewing tea. Finely milled coffee grounds can get into the air holes in the strainer and require a bit more attention to clean, but no more so than any other coffee brewing method.
Because this particular French Press is made with Borosilicate glass, it makes for both a very sturdy and durable container that can withstand fairly high heat and exposure to cold. What I particularly like is this type of glass lends towards the cylinder NOT absorbing the taste of previously brewed beverages, namely, you will not taste a residual espresso taste within a later brewed delicate white tea. I prefer this to some plastic brewers that retain the flavorings of other previously brewed teas. To me, this is a big selling point.
Remove the plunger and strainer component to add the tea underneath. Replace the plunger and strainer. Secure the lid and press the plunger down as far as it goes without touching the tea leaves. Add enough hot water for the first brewing only and replace the cap. Allow enough room for the tea leaves to unfurl by slowly raising the plunger up to about the halfway point. It is very pretty to watch the tea brew, even if it is a simple black or Earl Grey, and it is a functional piece that is sturdy despite being glass. After the appropriate brewing time (use a timer for very delicate brews to avoid a bitter taste), pour off all the tea. If a second brew is desired, use only new water to not diminish the taste due to over-brewing. This is different than when brewing coffee in a French Press as a longer brew time does not make the coffee bitter.
This particular French Press came with a free gift: a self-stirring coffee mug. This is useful for bullet-proof coffee recipes as it keeps it frothy and well blended. It is often recommended in bullet-proof coffee recipes that one keeps stirring the coffee so as to keep the mixture well-blended and avoid congealing of the coconut oil/butter ingredients. A self-stirring coffee mug is ideal for this purpose. Since it can also serve as a travel mug, the set makes it helpful to brew your own coffee blends at the office or before leaving for work to have custom coffee without the time it takes to brew a whole pot of coffee only to throw most of it away.
Durable, sleek and attractive, this French Press is ideal for making a personal serving (or two) of tea, coffee or espresso. Easy to use and to clean.

Ayo French Press
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