Joyal Beauty Organic Retinol for Face and Eyes
I hadn’t heard of this brand before, so I didn’t know what to expect. But it had several quality ingredients that I like to see in my skin care products, so I thought it was worth giving a try, and I am glad I did. I usually respond well to Retinols, but the supporting active ingredients used in tandem with the Retinol itself make a big difference for me as to whether or not I find a particular Retinol product to be effective for my skin problems. The Joyal Retinol is a 1% retinol, so my expectations were a bit lower since I mistakenly felt the higher the Retinol percentage, the better. However, this was not the case: my skin is getting results but is not drying out or getting red and irritated even with daily use, so this Retinol is safe to use each night. It is too strong to use twice a day, however, which should be noted if you are a typically a twice a day Retinol user. I was pleased with the results from the Joyal Beauty Retinol ingredient combination.
I applied this Retinol at night, and it left my skin with an even tone the next morning. I had a few healing blemishes that flattened and dried and the redness dissipated. My skin had a nice glow to it and was not dry, it seemed plump and dewy, which is a nice perk for Retinol use.
After using the serum each night, my skin is soft and dewy, but I can still see treatment results occurring including fine lines seeming smoother, dry skin flakes are gone, and my skin tone is more even, less blotchy, and my skin glows. I have some occasional adult acne breakouts that have stayed to a minimum while I have used this serum. I also have a few brownish acne scars on my cheeks and jawline that are now fading nicely. My skin looks particularly hydrated and plump, probably due to the Propolis and Jojoba combination.
The supporting active ingredients include:
Aloe Leaf soothes and hydrates while reducing dryness or itching that is at times a side effect of Retinol use. Aloe helps the skin makes a very useful base for Retinol so that the skin can tolerate effective and regular Retinol treatment. Aloe is in of itself a very nourishing treatment for skin and helps hydrate and heal the skin.
Hyaluronic acid paired with Retinol serves to both hydrate and plump the skin, as well as to help the Retinol sink deeper into the skin to help fade deeper scars and hyperpigmentation, and address deep wrinkles.
Witch Hazel reduces inflammation and tightens pores.
Jojoba Oil is a natural moisturizer that is very close to the natural oils of the skin.
Propolis is a bee by-product (if you are allergic bee products such as honey you may wish to avoid products with this ingredient) that is a natural anti-inflammatory that treats many issues that cause sensitive skin such as acne, eczema and skin disorders and infections.
CONCLUSION: I am glad I tried this Retinol because it has several quality ingredients, and my skin is becoming more even, my wrinkles seem less deep, and my acne is reduced. I like that this Retinol is very effective yet still suitable for sensitive skin conditions such as eczema and acne.
Find it at Amazon.com.
I received this item for testing and unbiased review purposes. If you have any questions about my experience with it, leave it in the comments section below, and I’ll do my best to answer it!
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