If you were stranded on a desert island with only one skincare treatment product, what would it be? If your answer is Retinol, you made an excellent choice: Retinol treats so many skin care problems that it is a true-multitasker. Retinol treats a host of skin care issues regardless of your age. This week in a two-part series we cover five primary Retinol skin care uses that are game-changers for your skin. Today we cover how to use Retinol for stretch marks, wrinkles, and discoloration.

Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer tackles a host of skin care problems including Acne, Stretch Marks, Wrinkles, Discoloration, and Dark Circles. It contains all-natural retinol-buffering moisturizers built right in like Aloe Vera, Green Tea, Sunflower Oil, Jojoba and Vitamin E as well as 20% Vitamin C.
As mentioned in our recent article “Skin Care for Busy Moms“, Stretch marks are often associated with pregnancy but also happen during weight loss or gain and even if a teen grows quickly, small stretch marks can appear. Stretch marks can also occur as a side effect of steroid use, and some medical conditions, such as diabetes cause stretch marks due to inflammation and thinning of the skin.
Regardless of their source, Retinol is amazing at tackling stretchmarks whether they are currently forming, new or several years old.
Retinol encourages the formation of collagen, which helps the skin to heal, and it redistributes excess or abnormal pigmentation, meaning skin takes on a more even tone. Few products can address a stretch mark once they appear lighter than the rest of the surrounding skin like Retinol can.
Attacking stretch marks while they are still dark (sometimes red or even purple) is the best plan of attack, combining Retinol directly all over the skin, focusing in on the line-like marks, with a moisturizer like Cocoa Butter or Shea Butter and preferably a skin nourisher like Aloe Vera. We like Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer for stretch marks for several reasons. It combines 2.5% pure retinol with 20% Vitamin C (also important for collagen formation) plus skin nourishers including Aloe Vera and Shea Butter that keep skin supple and pliable to help pre-empt stretch marks before they form.
We also like Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer because Retinol Stretchmark treatments are surprisingly expensive, often costing more than similar treatments intended for the face. A quick Google search gave results in the $60-$90 range for Retinol products intended for stretchmarks, whereas Lordsbury Retinol+C costs a fraction of that, contains natural and superior ingredients and comes in a huge 2.8-ounce bottle. For treating stretch marks, it is tough to beat this combination at this price point. Another good feature of Lordsbury is that it contains Shea Butter, a traditional stretch mark remedy that heals and softens skin, but it is not sticky or greasy when used within the Lordsbury formulation, which dries down clean and can be worn under clothing to treat stretch marks.
Reports of Dermatological studies indicate women with severe cases of post-pregnancy stretch marks obtained meaningful results within six months, many seeing results sooner. While this may feel like a long time, even if it takes the full six months, if you start now, your stretch marks will be fixed by beach weather next summer!

Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer comes in a huge 2.8 ounce size bottle for far less than the price of many Stretch Mark creams that contain only a fraction of the active ingredients contained in Lordsbury
Wrinkles are caused by repetitive facial movements and skin sagging. Delicate skin areas wrinkle first because they have less support when sagging starts to occur. The best defense is 1) to keep the formation of the skin as strong as possible to bear the weight of said sagging, and 2) to mitigate the appearance of existing wrinkles by smoothing their surface and lightening them.
Collagen is the scaffolding of the skin, if there is not enough collagen, it is like pulling bricks out of a wall, eventually, it starts to sag under the weight. Skin loses collagen as we age, and we don’t replace it fast enough to avoid sagging. Fortunately, Retinol promotes the collagen production process regardless of our age, and in tandem with topical Vitamin C, can reduce the sagging surrounding the wrinkle, alleviating the weight of unsupported skin. This over time reduces the wrinkle.
WRINKLE DISCOLORATION: Wrinkled skin also tends to gain discoloration, especially in the receded valley of the wrinkle, effectively creating a shadow. With consistent retinol use, discoloration fades, and the valley of the wrinkle visually appears less dark and thereby less deep.
SMOOTHER WRINKLE SURFACE: Retinol also improves the appearance of the wrinkle by refining the texture of the skin, making existing wrinkles look smoother. If your wrinkles look better after a peel or exfoliation, then Retinol is likely to make your wrinkles appear finer and less noticeable.
Whether from acne marks, scarring, or sun damage most of us experience some form of discoloration on our faces. As mentioned before, Retinol breaks up excess pigmentation and disperses it to make the skin tone appear even. But some discoloration is in the deeper layers of the skin, making many topical lightening products incapable of effecting meaningful change. If your discoloration is from sunbathing from years ago, or from very old, darkened acne marks that won’t fade, then they are likely discoloration found deeper in the skin and require a combination of Retinol and Hyaluronic Acid to affect results.
Hyaluronic Acid has the unique capability to absorb moisture to plump the skin, it also is a smaller enough molecule that it can slip into deeper skin layers. This means any active ingredient paired with Hyaluronic Acid can slip into these deep skin layers like it has a guest VIP pass, meaning Retinol paired with Hyaluronic Acid can tackle even very deep, old scars and sun-damaged layers of skin. You can purchase Hyaluronic Acid and Retinol separately and apply them both at the same time, or you can use a Retinol that already contains Hyaluronic, such as Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer.

Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer contains Retinol to accelerate cell regeneration to fade old discoloration, and Vitamin C to prevent future discoloration, and Hyaluronic Acid to aid in deep absorption. It also contains several natural moisturizers to soothe and nourish skin for a more youthful look.
Lordsbury Retinol+ C Cream Moisturizer contains natural organic ingredients to soothe and nourish skin while treating common stubborn skin problems such as stretch marks, discoloration, and wrinkles. In our next article, find out how Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer can also be a powerhouse beauty secret for also treating acne and dark circles. Stay tuned!
Find Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer at Amazon here:
Style Chicks received compensation for our time and effort. However, our experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% ours.
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