Maybe you saw BeautyStat on Good Morning America, or read about it in Allure, Violet Grey, Coveuteur, or WWD. And now, on StyleChicks. Because here at StyleChicks we’ve tried plenty of high-end Vitamin C topicals. But our BeautyStat Universal C Skin Refiner experiences got and kept our attention. What happens after using a bottle of BeautyStat? We are here to tell our BeautyStat tales. First up is Lyn, her chief skin compliant is dark spots and hyperpigmentation due to sun damage.
Lyn here. I knew right away this product was unique. I was interested to see what one bottle could accomplish. BeautyStat Universal C Skin Refiner is a unique stable C that doesn’t oxidize. This Vitamin C is potent and fresh to the last drop. Often with a Vitamin C serum, you don’t really know if it is working by the end of the bottle and you have to invest in a second bottle and hope for the best. But with BeautyStat, I knew.
Me and C
Skin-obsessed and well over 35, Vitamin C serum has been part of my daily routine for years. I didn’t have a particular preferred brand, some Vitamin Cs worked better than others. I was getting along well until … dark spots appeared. Lots of them.
Out, darn (age) spot! The backstory
Sunscreen fanatic here. But somehow, I got dark spots on the top of my cheekbone, where light hits. Visually it appears as one larger-than-an-inch birthmark-like patch atop each cheekbone. They are far darker and bigger than freckles and they are not cute like freckles. They show in photos and IRL even when I spackle concealer over them. The unfortunate placement is like a permanent contour where there ought to be highlighter. It alters the visual contours of my face and makes me look drawn and older.
The dark spots defied all my standard remedies. I tried niacinamide, retinol, at home dermabrasion, dermaplaning, Vitamin K, topical Alpha Lipoic Acid, and glycolic peels at home and at a spa.
Meanwhile, I had been using Vitamin C serums entire time. So I expected nothing to change dark spot-wise from using BeautyStat. I was wrong.
My beautystat Experience
Universal C Skin Refiner is aptly named. The morning after I first used it, I noticed a skin texture refinement. It was like after an AHA peel without the peeling, dryness, or irritation.
BeautyStat won’t pill under my sunscreen or makeup. It is not greasy, sticky, or tacky.
My sensitive skin tolerates daily BeautyStat use, even around the eye area.
I apply a thin layer on my face, throat, collarbone. Then go back in dabbing extra on my dark spots, acne scars and eleven lines.
Stable C is potent. I recommend sensitive skin users buffer with a moisturizer to tolerate daily use. BeautyStat makes one that I haven’t tried, so I can’t opine on it. I used a light lotion with no actives (Cerave or Clinique DDML). I experienced no dryness or flaking even with daily use.
My face has overall spot fading and skin texture improvement. But most notable is the breakdown and reduction of the very dark pigment of the collective age spots patches. Now normal pigment skin appears between the spots so it is no longer a mega spot. The spots no longer obstruct my cheekbone. The discolored spots are visible in bright sunlight, but far less so in indoor lighting.
I don’t know how long it will take to remove the dark hyperpigmentation completely. But BeautyStat made more progress in a few weeks than I got in two years with any other dark spot treatment. Bravo!
Will another bottle of BeautyStat vanquish my dark spots for good? I sure am game to find out.
Want to know how BeautyStat pulls off this spot defeating beauty miracle? Watch for the rest of our BeautyStat series covering the science of BeautyStat and its fabulous ingredient profile, as well as Courtney’s impressive results.
Where to Find It
Find BeautyStat Universal C Skin Refiner at VioletGrey and BeautyStat
StyleChicks users get 25% off BeautyStat Universal C Skin Refiner with promo code FALL19
Questions? Comments?
Have any comments or questions about BeautyStat Universal C Skin Refiner? The Style Chicks are here to answer them.
BeautyStat Universal C Skin Refiner was submitted to Style Chicks for consideration purposes. All opinions and experiences are 100% our own.
Melanie Hancock says
I saw this on Violet Grey – it looks so good!
Style Chicks says
It is really amazing!
Aubree Thorn says
I was wondering if you would be reviewing this. It seems like your kind of product. 🙂
Style Chicks says
It is very much our kind of product. 😉 Let us know if you have any review requests!
Sasha Belanger says
Can’t wait for the science article – you guys are so amazing at explaining how products work!
Style Chicks says
The science is fascinating. We’ve been watching the product from the early patent stages, and we have been aware of Ron Robinson, who developed the formula, for years. In addition to the fact that Ron is an awesome guy, he has an incredible background in the cosmetic chemistry world. And I’ll save the rest for the next article. 🙂
Cathy Hamm says
That is a great price for a high-end Vit C.
Style Chicks says
It is a fantastic price, especially considering how amazing the results are!
Annabeth Quincey says
I need this – may have spent too much time in the sun this Summer….. (whoops)
Style Chicks says
Annabeth, don’t make us give you a lecture on SPF. 😉 But definitely pick up this product to undo your Summer Sun Sins!
Jess Rowanski says
How is it on cystic acne scars? HATE HATE HATE my scars. They faded some with my C but are still very obvious.
Style Chicks says
It is fantastic on acne scars. The combination of Vitamin C with other ingredients like EGCG make this a complete powerhouse for acne scars!
Kiera Godfrey says
It drives me nuts when I pay $$$ and Vit C oxidizes quickly. This is intriguing…
Amelia Matthews says