I have very pale skin. And I have very dark hair. This makes for a bad leg shaving combination. The sharpest razor, the best shave, it only results in still being able to see the hair under my translucent skin. So, pulling it from the root is the only option. I have tried using an epilator recently, but it doesn’t pick up all the hairs, so I end up touching up my legs with a razor. Which is the thing I was looking to avoid in the first place.
I’ve also tried home waxing in the past, and typically it has left me bruised, and my skin irritated. Not a great look, although the bruises did cover the stubble…
With those experiences behind me, I was excited to learn about the BodyHonee Kit System. There are different kits for different kinds of hair and the area you are looking to wax. Best of all, it works for sensitive skin. So I embarked on testing it out to try to get fuzz-free for the remainder of the warm weather clothing season.
I tried two of the BodyHonee Wax Kits, the Extra Strength Spa Wax Kit, and the Hard Wax Kit. Both are intended for thick, coarse hair.

BodyHonee Wax Kit

BodyHonee Wax Kit Spa Wax
First, let’s talk about the Extra Strength Spa Wax Kit. It is meant for anywhere on the body, but I tried it on my legs.
My leg hair was grown out about a half inch (seriously, sometimes I think all I accomplish in a week is grow hair and nails.) Of course, I typically attend to de-fuzzing way before my leg hair gets to half an inch, but for the edification of my faithful readers, I forewent shaving for a bit knowing that I had this review coming up. Prepping the wax is pretty easy – just pop it in the microwave for about 30 seconds and it is set. Now here is a key part: mix the wax, using the included spatula to mix it from the bottom to the top to achieve an even consistency. Then, using the same spatula, apply a THIN layer (and I mean thin) to your leg (or where ever you are applying it), in the direction of the hair growth. In most cases, this means going down from your knee to your ankle, but there are sections that grow in different directions, so assess as you go. Place the strip over the wax, and rub firmly (again, in the direction of the growth) several times. And then the fun part – rip it off against the direction of the growth, and marvel at the hair that is left behind on the strip. Repeat the process until the whole area is covered.
This kit comes with cleansing oil wipes to take off any remaining wax and soothe the skin. It is pretty easy once you get the hang of it – which will be within your first session. And my legs were soooooo smoothe!
The second kit I tried was the Hard Wax Hair Remover. This kit is meant for the face, underarms, and bikini line. It is the same premise as the Spa Wax Kit, but it is meant for short, coarse hairs on sensitive areas. It is microwaved for about three minutes. Additionally, since the wax is harder than the Spa Kit, you don’t need a strip to go over it, because as it cools it hardens to the point that you can just rip the wax off, and it will act as a strip. This is nice if you are dealing in small areas like the upper lip.

BodyHonee Wax Kit Spa Wax Hard Wax
I tried it on my underarms. I previously had laser hair removal on my underarms, which did a great job at permanently removing a lot of my underarm hair. For about a year, I only had to touch up a few spots every month or so. However, this year it seems a few follicles regenerated, plus the laser hair removal didn’t affect the blonde underarm hairs I had, so I still had to shave every once in awhile. This is another advantage of wax: wax is colorblind. While laser hair removal is absolutely amazing, it is still hard to truly tackle blonde hair. So a good waxing every few months is a good idea even if you have had laser hair removal.
The difference between my legs and my underarms is that hair grows in every different direction on your armpits, not like how sections typically follow patterns of growth on your legs. So I ended up working in smaller sections on my underarms. This is one of the reasons why I like that the hard wax serves as its own strip – I can work on fairly small sections at a time to make sure to get all hairs. I had some mild pinkness on my underarms after that quickly went away. The trick is to pull the wax off quick – don’t stop half way through pulling it off.
The big question: did it hurt? Well, you are ripping hair out of the follicle. It isn’t the most pleasant feeling. But it isn’t nearly as bad as standard waxing, and without the bruising I experienced in the past. I think this is because the wax shrink wraps around the hair before you pull it off, so it was more honed in on the hair as opposed to hair getting pulled off when the wax adhered to the skin. At least that is what it felt like upon pulling the BodyHonee wax off versus previous waxing experiences. The redness dissipated fairly quickly, especially after I moisturized. For me, waxing my shins is always far more uncomfortable than my underarms, but of the two, I found the hard wax to be a little more comfortable. However, I have more practice with working with hard wax in the past, so that could be part of it.
I’m happy to have found a line of wax that effectively removes even the shortest of hairs, and keeps that growth cycle of hairs at bay for several weeks. While my hair hasn’t grown back at all yet, I am curious to see how long my skin stays smooth, and I’ll update when I know!
Find the BodyHonee Wax Kits at http://www.bodyhonee.com
Here is a video showing the way to mix the wax:
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=998ioz4MZVw[/embedyt]
I received this product in exchange for my unbiased review and received compensation for my time and effort. However, my experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine.