Are you looking for a showstopper of a decorating piece? NOVICA’s Cuzco Sun Bronze Leaf Round Starburst Wall Mirror is your shining answer.

NOVICA Bronze Leaf Starburst Wall Mirror ‘Cuzco Sun’
Its worth a few words as to the sizing of this mirror. This is considered the Medium Size of the design at 18 However, the depth and striking appearance of the mirror draws the eye far more than a larger and less detailed mirror would. So if you want to place the mirror as a centerpiece among other items, the Medium is the right size. If you want a stand alone large piece for a wall, then you might consider the larger version. But truly do not underestimate the impact of this mirror. As with all decorative pieces, think about the impact more than the specific size.
This gorgeous 18 mirror comes from Peru and is made of Mohena Wood, a Peruvian hardwood, and is intricately covered in bronze leaf. One of the things I love about this mirror is that the bronze leaf is a definite bronze color with indirect natural daylight, but takes on the most beautiful gold color at sunset, just as the sun does itself. The artist has truly made a study of light!
I chose to put it on the mantle above the Living Room fireplace as we have other bronze items around the fire and because the vibrant color of the piece is so striking against the dark wood. The mirror would look good against any background, but I think the depth of the detail especially lends itself towards a darker, richer wood background. It was a bit of a toss up for me between the Living Room and the smaller Dining Room fireplace mantle, but the grain of the wood in the Living Room and the grain of the Mohena Wood looked sharper to me.
The mirror itself is 7.8 but appears larger. It is an exceptionally true mirror and shines vividly. If you are looking for a central vanity mirror you might want to look for a piece that has a larger mirror, however the reflection is excellent and stands by itself as a good mirror apart from the incredible craftsmanship of the frame.
The piece was made by Jose Marcos Luzalde Rosales, who taught himself his craft starting at 17 in his neighbor’s workshop. At the ripe age of 18 he decided to go out on his own and became known (with good reason, as you can see) for his incredible work. He has delighted in preserving Peruvian Woodwork Artistry for 35 years now, and thanks to NOVICA, we can delight in his work as well!
I absolutely adore this mirror. It adds light and depth to the room and has drawn gasps from anyone who has seen it.
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NOVICA Bronze Leaf Starburst Wall Mirror ‘Cuzco Sun’
I received this item at a discount for review purposes. If you have any questions about the mirror, leave me a comment below!