Age Spots.
Have you ever actually thought about how offensive that phrase is? As if I forget my AARP status, and need to be reminded by hyperpigmentation.
And let’s not even get into the patronizing terms like “laugh lines”. I’m not trying to deny my age, but there is nothing wrong with wanting to look good for your age. That’s why I love Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer for signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation.
There are special considerations when it comes to skincare for mature skin. The younger women here at Style Chicks use Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer as a preventative measure, or to nip a problem in the bud. For me, I’m trying to not only prevent further aging, but to reverse the damage that has been done over time by both intrinsic and extrinsic dermal aging. In other words, we’re not just fighting what time has done to us, we’re fighting what UV exposure, pollution, and a host of other factors have done to our skin over the years.
Let’s consider some of the signs of aging that Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer works for:

Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer: the all-in-one anti-aging weapon
Wrinkles occur due to thinning of the skin, loss of facial muscle mass, damage to collagen and the reduction of collagen production after age 30, and dehydration of the outer layer of the skin. While the loss of facial muscle mass is best left to the facial exercises that suddenly seem to be popular (and a good diet), Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer is highly effective for the rest of the causes of wrinkles.
Thinning of skin can be caused by a number of factors and leads to the dreaded “crepey skin” appearance. If the skin is thinner and the skin is dryer on the outer layers, then you have a perfect environment for wrinkles and lines to form. Add to that the intrinsic rapid loss of collagen starting at age 30 and rapidly decreasing in production each year, and wrinkles form.
Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer treats the causes of wrinkles by using a high-grade Retinol to increase cell turnover and increase collagen production. This softens wrinkles and effectively treats fine lines. This increased cell turnover and increased collagen production lead to thicker, smoother skin that acts younger than your true “skin age”. Which means it looks better. Vitamin C protects your “new skin” from pollution, free radicals, and other extrinsic aging factors.

Lordsbury contains pure Retinol, Vitamin C Serum, Hyaluronic and a host of natural moisturizers all in one cream
Lordsbury’s formula also contains Hyaluronic Acid, which helps with the appearance of crepey skin by boosting moisture content in the outer layers of skin, so skin looks plump and glowy. In addition to everyone’s favorite ingredient Hyaluronic Acid, the moisturizer also contains natural and organic Wildcrafted Green Tea, Organic Aloe Vera, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Sunflower Oil, Shea Butter, and Vitamins B5 and E. That is quite the humectant combo to keep your skin in top hydrated form! These ingredients also buffer the Retinol so you won’t experience the usual side effects of Retinol products: redness, flaking, and dry skin.
Maybe you tanned in your 20s. Maybe you weren’t diligent with sunscreen. Maybe you have dark spots due to acne scars. Or you just have bad genetics. Years of any of these factors can lead to hyperpigmentation. Anytime you pick up a beauty magazine, you read about the latest K-Beauty trend – Glass Skin, Cloudless Skin, etc. What is the goal of any of these trends? To get skin that is free of hyperpigmentation, which is a hallmark of young skin.
Both Retinol and Vitamin C work to decrease hyperpigmentation and improve the clarity of skin. When you start a Retinol program, you might notice a slight darkening and tightening of spots on your face. Don’t give up! That means that the deeper levels of hyperpigmentation are rising to the surface and will soon exfoliate off. In fact, seeing that initial but brief darkening if how I know that any Retinol product is working!
Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer is gentle enough to use around the eyes, so you don’t need a separate eye cream. It is amazing for getting rid of fine lines and smoothing the delicate orbital skin.
Don’t forget about the other “tell-tale” areas of skin that show aging, as well. Use Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer on your throat and décolletage. At a generous 2.8 oz, Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer can treat all these areas gently and effectively.

Lordbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer comes in a generous 2.8 ounce size pump bottle, and only one pump is needed for face and throat
Of course, just because we’re old enough to have seen two serial versions of Poldark AND two versions of Dynasty doesn’t mean that we can slack off on the basics: SPF is a daily prerequisite for everyone regardless of age or skincare routine. However, using it on mature skin is especially needed to prevent further extrinsic aging and protect the skin on the whole. SPF is also necessary for anyone on a Retinol program.
Aging isn’t a bad thing. Aging gracefully is a worthy goal. But that doesn’t negate taking care of your skin and looking like the best version of yourself. Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer is a great way to make your mature skin look optimal!
Find Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer on Amazon:

Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer contains both 2.5% pure Retinol and 20% Vitamin C Serum
Style Chicks received Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer in exchange for our unbiased review and received compensation for our time and effort. However, our experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% ours.
(Editor’s Note: We haven’t seen the reboot of Dynasty. Everyone at Style Chicks does, however, obsess during every episode of Poldark over how perfect Demelza’s and Caroline’s skin is, even without the benefit of Lordsbury Retinol+C Moisturizer. Even Aunt Agatha has fantastic skin considering her age. That pop-culture disclosure isn’t required by the FCC, but we still think you should know.)