Style Chicks previously posted about our experience using Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer, and today we are giving a one month update on the Lordsbury Retinol experience so far.
I’ve been using Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer twice a day for about a month now, and my skin’s brighter and the texture has become more refined. Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer’s Vitamin C and Retinol combination causes rapid dead skin turnover, and always leaves skin so soft, like after exfoliating. I’m very pleased starting the process of building more collagen. I find my skin to be soft and supple, even with twice a day Retinol use.

We found Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer to be an emollient yet powerful combination of active and soothing ingredients to refine and rejuvenate skin
If you haven’t used a Retinol product before, or have used a prescription level Retinol but your skin got too dry, red or irritated, then Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer is something to consider.
I’m delighted to find a viable 2.5% pure retinol cream for sensitive skin. I’ve used a prescription 2.5% Retinol before and got red and dry, so I credit Lordsbury’s soothing and hydrating ingredients for tolerating twice a day use, even around the delicate eye area.

The organic ingredients like Jojoba, Aloe Vera, Green Tea, Sunflower Oil and Shea Butter enable even sensitive skins to tolerate this 2.5% Pure Retinol with Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamins B5 and E. A powerful cocktail of all the beauty all-stars in skincare.
The surface of the skin feels and looks more refined and even. The combination of Vitamin C and Retinol lead to rapid dead skin turnover, leaving skin soft to the touch, like after a gentle exfoliation. Something I particularly like is that dry skin sloughs off easily when washing my face without tell-tale peeling or redness, and with no flaky skin during the day, my complexion always appears smooth. I’m particularly pleased with how my undereye area is tolerating the Retinol and Vitamin C combo.
About a week or so into daily Retinol use, some people, including myself, break out in whiteheads and blackheads all of a sudden. The purging of clogged pores when starting any Retinol is normal, even prescription Retinol. It lasted a week and then my skin was much less congested than before. Â If this happens to you, don’t be discouraged, your skin will briefly breakout while your pores are purging, then suddenly, about a week or so later, skin is clear. I didn’t realize how much sebum and latent clogging I had in my pores, and tiny whitehead type bumps just under the skin surface that came and went all at once.
If you have a problem with acne, over time, Retinol is highly effective in removing the dead skin cells that trap oil, sebum, and bacteria into a pimple. No dead skin cells mean better control over acne after the first few weeks. So if you are an adult acne suffer, just hang in there!
TIP: Don’t start a retinol product only 2-3 weeks before a big event that you want clear, glowing skin. Give yourself 4-5 weeks of Retinol use before an event or photo so the retinol has time to work and leave you blemish-free.
I saw my Dermatologist about two-thirds through the 30-day Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer update. I love my derm, she maintains offices on both coasts and tells me about all the latest in prescription skincare and I tell her about my favorite over the counter skin care products.
She walked in and immediately said “What are you using on your skin? It looks great!” and she began to inspect my face.
When I made the appointment months before, I planned to ask for a prescription for Renova, the emollient version of Retinol for my undereye area. But we decided against it because the Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer was working on my undereye area for discoloration, fine lines, and crow’s feet, and I didn’t have any irritation around the eyes that can occur with prescription retinol. She told me exactly where to apply it for best undereye results: follow the line of the orbital bone, Â and stay away from the lash line and the bulge under your eye.
Normally my dermatologist will extract any pimples or whiteheads on my appointments, but she said nothing was bad enough to extract, it was better to keep using the Lordsbury Retinol+C on a few whiteheads and they would purge on their own, which in a few weeks, they did. I left her office feeling like a pretty, pretty princess.
DAY 22: USING Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer  TO PREP SKIN TO BE BARE FOR SUMMER
Now that warmer weather is coming, I am focusing on the skin on my shoulders, upper arms, throat, and decolletage as well as my face. These areas respond very quickly, especially in improved texture, discoloration, and fine lines. Areas of sun damage start to improve in texture but will take a bit longer.
TIP: Remember to wear sunscreen anywhere you use Retinol and Vitamin C, even on cloudy days!
DAY 27: Fine Lines and Wrinkles
The fine lines on my under eyes and my eleven lines look smoother to me, more like how I look immediately after an at-home AHA peel. The lines are not gone, but they are not so obvious on bare skin anymore. Collagen production generally takes closer to eight weeks, so I would not expect to see a dramatic lift to my eye area yet, but since I can tolerate this cream around my eyes twice a day, I am hopeful.
DAY 30 The Fine Lines and Wrinkles Around the Eyes
My Crow’s feet look smoother. Collagen production takes at least eight weeks to show, so I don’t expect a visible eye area lift yet. But since I tolerate Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream around the eye so well, I’m hopeful!
I like having Retinol and Vitamin C and moisturizing ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid all in one cream. A prescription can give you a 2.5% to 5% retinol dose, the Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer is 2.5% pure retinol, so it is within the range of a prescription dosage.
What is preferable to Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer over prescription retinol is that prescription retinol is very drying, skin gets red and flaky. I like being able to use Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream on delicate skin areas like my eye area, throat, hands, and decolletage. It can be used without irritation or peeling, even around delicate skin areas like the eyes and mouth. The container is also huge, and it only takes a pea size amount to cover my face, two peas for face and throat.

Use pea-size amount for face, two peas for face and throat
If you are a teenager with current acne breakouts, you could likely benefit from a Vitamin C and Retinol combo, as Vitamin C can fade acne scars. Some may just prefer the extra strength Retinol of 5% that is only obtained from a prescription, and the Retinol and Vitamin C for collagen building combo may be less of a concern for teens (for now). If you are in your mid-twenties and older, collagen conservation and collagen production become a beauty goal, and Lordsbury Retinol+C cream moisturizer makes for a very gentle but effective combination of both these beauty-boosting ingredients.
That’s the Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer one month report. I’m so pleased especially around the eye area, throat, decolletage, collarbone, and hands. I can’t wait to see in another month when the increased collagen production process starts to visibly show!

Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer: after 30 days use, I’m very pleased and will continue using it on my eyes, face, throat, collarbone and decolletage
Find Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer at Amazon here:
Style Chicks received Lordsbury Retinol+C Cream Moisturizer in exchange for our unbiased review and received compensation for our time and effort. However, our experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% ours.