We tried Morganna’s Alchemy INSTANTLIFT, from the folks who brought us our highly rated Morganna’s Bellatox.
If you’re not yet familiar with Morganna’s Alchemy, I might mention it is the phyto-dermo-cosmetic line produced by chemist Maya Hyppolite-Williams M.A.

Morganna’s Alchemy INSTANTLIFT
INSTANTLIFT contains no silicone – the usual method of temporary wrinkle reduction – but instead is a green-chemistry approach utilizing eco-certified organic extracts to achieve tightening effects. In this particular product Sorghum, Chickory Root and Tara Extracts are the major agents of change. Sorghum is a cereal-like plant from Africa. Its extract has the consistency of melted sugar which enables it to go on the skin invisibly. Tara and Chickory Root have the same property and, additionally, add moisture to the skin. These active ingredients are used in high concentrations and are said to act synergistically.
For quite some time I’ve been attracted to products claiming to provide instant temporary lift and have tried several. My experience with each and every one previously used was that a white film developed upon drying. Evidently, this was expected by the manufacturers since some products even suggested ways to deal with the white film, such as blotting with a damp cloth or tissue. I did follow that suggestion but could not lose the white film until I washed the product off entirely. Since I did not care for the stiff feel of those products on my face I did proceed to do just that, so never learned how long the temporary tightening effect might actually last. One of those products made my face quite itchy, as well.
Well, the proof is in the pudding or, in this case, the serum. Although there was no specific instruction to apply to a cleansed face, that’s what I did. Or, more specifically, to half my cleansed face to be better able to observe any change. I spread the serum to the more saggy and wrinkled right side of my face, the side I sleep on where gravity has taken a bit more of a toll. A pea-size drop easily covered (half) forehead to jowl. For those who need address only the eye area a small drop would be sufficient. There was a very light, pleasant floral fragrance that completely dissipated almost immediately. Since I tend to be very allergic, I typically avoid fragrance but the scent associated with INSTANTLIFT didn’t bother me at all. However, if you can’t or don’t care to use a product with even a briefly detectable, light fragrance, this may be a consideration for you.

Morganna’s Alchemy INSTANTLIFT
There was no residue at all, not on my face or fingers and no dreaded white film which had proved a bane to my previous forays into quick, temporary skin youthifying. My skin felt comfortable and, upon checking after 10 minutes or so, I did notice a definite wrinkle reduction and lift. Even if this had been the full extent of the improvement I would have been quite satisfied. However, the manufacturer calls the result an almost instant lift in that the maximum initial results occur about one hour out from application and there was, indeed, some additional improvement by the end of an hour.
The lift was noticeable enough to trigger somewhat of a dilemma. While I lost no time applying the serum to the other side of my forehead and crow’s feet (as well as my entire turkey gobble), since I had achieved jowl symmetry by applying only to the droopier jawline, I pondered if I should just leave the naturally tighter left side untreated. Well, curiosity got the best of me, and I did apply the serum to the left side and waited. A lift was achieved and, with the scrutiny one would probably only give their own face, my “good side” now was a little tighter than the other side of the face that had been first treated. So, I applied a second treatment to only the right jowl, and that brought me symmetrical again. In the future, I will either repeat treatment on the less-tight jaw line for maximum effect or just treat the droopier side alone if pressed for time.

Morganna’s Alchemy INSTANTLIFT
An additional plus stated for the INSTANTLIFT product verses silicone-paste based temporary wrinkle tightener is the ability to easily apply makeup after using which is, apparently, not the case with the silicone-containing products. And I can understand why that would be so since the silicone-based products tend to ball. I, personally, don’t use foundation but do apply under eye and spot cover and those products went on beautifully after INSTANTLIFT.
So, I would report being not only satisfied but delighted with my INSTANTLIFT trial. It did what it claimed it would and the effects lasted all day. Upon clinical testing a 43% mean decrease of wrinkling occurred with the best subject achieving an 81% decrease so, based on that information, the average user can reasonably expect a very satisfactory result. My experience with the eye area was especially striking, rolling back time a decade or more. I can’t begin to tell you how that made me feel!
One other thing to pass along, though I haven’t used the product long enough speak from experience, is the manufacturer indicates cumulative long-term results from the Tara Root in INSTANTLIFT. I will be continuing to use this product and will let you know when my personal jury comes back on this point!
First Update:
When I prepared for bed the temporary improvement didn’t end when INSTANTLIFT was washed off and even this morning some noticeable benefit remained.
Find it at http://morgannasalchemy.com/product/morgannas-instant-lift/
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqDge7MJxsg[/embedyt]
I received this product in exchange for my unbiased review and received compensation for my time and effort. However, my experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% mine.