This is a cool idea. Ever have a paper calender that you X off the days until a big event, the remaining days of school, etc? Here’s an interesting twist: instead of the number of days until something occurs, use the Xs to mark your progress towards a goal. Same thing basically.
mark off the days you work towards your goal – working out, perhaps? Eating healthy? There’s a million ways to go with this.
It’s called a Seinfeldian Chain. What does marking off days on a calender have to do with Jerry Seinfeld? Read about it here.
This is also a good way to have a reward system in place for yourself. If you keep up the chain for 5/7/10 days etc, have incremental rewards for yourself. A new CD, a single song from iTunes, a massage, a fudge sundae – it will be easier to keep your goal in front of you if you see the smaller rewards you get along the way.
Whether it’s exerise, eating right, or just counting down the days until the end of school, keep up that chain!
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