Walking is an easy way to burn calories and get in shape. No matter how out of shape you are, most people’s doctor’s would approve of them adding some extra walking to their day by parking at the far end of the parking lot, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or taking small extra walking breaks during the day. Start slowly, take the scenic route, and eventually build the total steps per day. While any walking is beneficial to get started, it takes some momentum while walking to derive true benefit. How much do you already walk per day while running errands, shopping, at work, or taking the stairs? And how much of that walking has any aerobic or cardio value? The answer may surprise you. Find out with a PINGKO Multi-Function Sport Pedometer that shows total active steps, distance, and calories.

PINGKO Multi-Function Sport Pedometer
The Pingko Sport Pedometer has a variety of helpful features, but one thing that really stands out is it counts only ACTIVE steps, not just any step-like movement. What does this mean? If you are interested in walking for health (aerobic, muscle toning or cardio) or walking with enough momentum for calorie burning, the steps need to be continuous motion, even if in short bursts, such as running up the stairs for a forgotten item or walking with purpose, not just meandering around. The Pingko Pedometer only counts sequential movements of ten or more steps in a row. This is an accurate reading of non-passive step movement, for example, not counting the shifting of weight, or leaning forward or just taking a step or two. It is a more accurate gauge of the kind of walking or running movement that keeps us healthy and burns calories.
The Pingko Pedometer’s easy to read LED display shows total steps, distance, and calories. The Pingko Pedometer is a sports pedometer, recording active steps.

The Pedometer has an easy to read LED screen for calories, miles, and steps
The Pingko pedometer’s tri-axis Walk Sensor Technology allows for attaching the detachable strong clip to my hip or at the waist, on my shoe, inside a pocket, or on my bag to accurately monitor my stepping activity.

Set the distance to Kilometers or miles using the easy to follow instructions
It’s durable and lightweight and at 1 7/8″ X 2 5/16″ it is not bulky under a blazer or sweater or blouse when I wear it at work. It lays flat on pants or yoga pants or leggings.

Discretely clipped on my pants under my suit blazer for wearing to work
The Pedometer comes with a fairly thorough user manual. The manual gives a step-by-step explanation how to change the reading from miles to kilometers.

Easy to follow step-by-step manual
This pedometer has a replaceable battery. Full instructions on how to replace the battery are included within the manual, and “AG13” batteries are a 1.5 V battery and are inexpensive and easy to find at Amazon and other retailers.
I feel like I am up and down from my desk and on my feet much of the day, but I was unsure how much of that was active movement and how much was just passive “steps” that offer little exercise or calorie burning value. I tested one day at home and doing errands, another day around the office and also walking along a boardwalk walking trail near the beach.
I clipped it to the center of my yoga pants at the waist. It also worked clipped on my shoelace. I made sure to place the pedometer so that the buttons face the ground to best engage the tri-axis technology.

Sturdy backclip fits jeans, yoga pants, and on my suit pants
It makes a light click when counting, something I noticed when I was listening for it at home but I could not hear the click in the ambient noise of a store, outside, in the gym or in an office environment.
I went about my day and would check the pedometer progress after running up and down a flight of stairs or walking out to the mailbox. When grocery shopping, it counted the “active” steps walking to and from the parking lot, and when I went through aisles with my cart. But steps, such as when I stood to wait for my turn at the deli counter shifting my weight, do not count as “active steps”.
- Make sure the pedometer buttons are facing downward (not sideways or upside down) so the axis is properly enabled to count steps.
- Placing the pedometer at the center of the waistline ensures the most accurate count.
- Walking briskly enough to naturally swing your arms is often enough to enable cardio and aerobic benefit in your walking
- Before use, carefully remove the white plastic tag without ripping it
Using the Pingko Pedometer helps me track my activity and keeps me motivated to meet and increase my fitness goals. It also helps me to know if I am drinking enough water to stay hydrated for my actual activity levels. It helps me remember to take the stairs instead of the elevator and to keep an active pace in my walking when possible.
Find the PINGKO Outdoor Multi-function Portable Sport Pedometer at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B019DB4RBY
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DepVkFbBTfs[/embedyt]
Style Chicks received the PINGKO Outdoor Multi-function Portable Sport Pedometer in exchange for our unbiased review and received compensation for our time and effort. However, our experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% ours.
Anonymous says
This is very hard to set
Julia DeHart says
I had one and loved it until it broke apart. Looking for a replacement.