We’ve all done it: tired, stressed, hangry, over-worked or eating our feelings, we go on a carb or sugar snack binge. What begins as just one or two cookies as a small snack leads to polishing off a bunch. There’s a brief energy rush and then a crash. Want to break the sugar craving habit? Seynani’s Sugar Blocker can help. Seynani’s Sugar Blocker is an all-natural spray that curbs sugar cravings to reduce unhealthy sugar intake.

Seynani’s Sugar Blocker naturally, safely and immediately stops sugar cravings and tastes like peppermint!
Sugar-binges don’t just cause an energy crash, they’re a beauty disaster. Overconsumption of sugar results in inflammation which is the big enemy of the skin.
Inflammation causes premature skin aging both by disrupting collagen production and subtly stretching the skin, both result in sagging and wrinkles. In effect, excessive sugar intake can undo some of the progress made by topical anti-aging skin care products. Excessive sugar can disrupt sleep and often results in weight gain.
Some people have increased breakouts when eating too much sugar. Cutting back on sugary foods often leads to better skin and increased energy levels.
But forsaking sugary sweets is not so easy, is it? Even if you’re just trying to drop a few pounds, the sugar habit is a tough one to break.
Seynani’s Sugar Blocker Oral Spray is an all-natural, gluten-free, Non-GMO, non-stimulant sugar blocker. It works immediately to end a sugar craving and can stop the sugar binge cycle. It works for both natural and artificial sweeteners.
Seynani’s Sugar Blocker works two ways, it blocks the taste buds’ receptors ability to taste sugar, reducing the cyclical craving nature of over-indulging in sugar. It also blocks the absorption of sugar consumed within the intestine. Third, it reduces some of the inflammation sugar causes in the body.
The long-term benefit is by tricking the taste buds not taste the sugar, it ends the sugar craving cycle. Without the sugar in your tasty sugary snack, snacks quickly lose their appeal and the craving for sugar is lost. You might as well be eating something healthy if you can’t taste the sugar. This makes the transition to sugar reduction easier.

How Seynani’s Sugar Blocker works
Seynani’s Sugar Blocker contains all natural ingredients:
- Gymnema Sylvestre Extract comes from a shrubby plant in India and has a variety of medicinal uses. It decreases the absorption of sugar from the intestine and regulates glucose levels in the bloodstream.
- Peppermint Oil is used for fresher breath and fighting cavities. It’s also an anti-inflammatory that helps fight stress, raise energy levels and elevate a good mood.
- Holy Basil, A.K.A. Hot Basil, is an anti-oxidant plant from India used in Ayurvedic medicine for stress relief, inflammation reduction as well as a variety of ailments ranging from cold to a headache to diabetes and asthma. Holy basil has a peppery taste that is often used in stir-fry dishes and spicy soups.

Ingredients include Peppermint and Holy Basil Extract, which has a light peppery taste.
I tend to get late night sugar cravings, and cravings when I am studying or working long hours on a project. So to test out Seynani’s Sugar Blocker, I tried some of my sugary favorites to see if it Seynani’s Sugar Blocker worked on preventing me from feeling like polishing off an entire sleeve of Oreos or a fun size bag of Peanut Butter cups.
DIRECTIONS:Â Spray Seynani’s Sugar Blocker on the tongue.
The Peppermint is the most detectable ingredient, with a touch of the pepper taste from the hot basil. The result is sort of a less sweet, fresh Peppermint leaf smell and taste, slightly tangy from the pepper, but not hot.

It tastes and smells like peppermint leaf with a tangy dash of pepper
Seynani’s Sugar Blocker was easy to use while working at my desk and curtailed my absent-minded snacking when on the computer.
As it directs, I sprayed Seynani’s Sugar Blocker in my mouth and then tried a few sugary items that are my go-to sugar cravings: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Oreos, ice cream, glazed pastry, and cookies, and for good measure, a very sugary soda, and a diet soda with artificial sweeteners.

Seynani’s Sugar Blocker impairs sugar taste buds from tasting sweetness on all kinds of sugary snacks
The results of this experiment were interesting: I was surprised how lackluster and even bad many sugary snacks taste in the absence of being able to taste the sweetness of the sugar. The soda tasted downright awful when I couldn’t taste the whopping 6 teaspoons of sugar per serving it takes to make cola taste good. Seynani’s Sugar Blocker also blocks the artificial sweetener taste in diet soda, which quelled my mid-afternoon slump soda craving. Seynani’s Sugar Blocker makes it much easier to exchange out having a vending machine soda in the afternoon for a healthy cup of green tea for extra energy at work.

Seynani’s Sugar Blocker works on natural and artificial sweeteners, such as are found in diet soda.
Then I tested with my personal sugary Kryptonite: homemade Raspberry Linzer Tarts. To my surprise, while I could normally all but inhale one or more of these confectionery sugar laden almond and raspberry delights in one sitting, I didn’t even feel like finishing my tart once the sugary sweetness was not so detectable.

Seynani’s Sugar Blocker even curbed my craving for my personal favorite, homemade Linzer Tart Cookies!
A tasty peppermint flavor with no side effects, Seynani’s Sugar Blocker offers the ability to modify a bad sugar craving habit naturally. It easily fits into a pocket, bag or desk drawer, conveniently keep Seynani’s Sugar Blocker with you when you know you are most likely to succumb to a sugar binge.
What I especially like about Seynani’s Sugar Blocker is an occasional or small sugary treat becomes just that, a treat in moderation, not an unhealthy, skin-aging, weight-gaining, unstoppable sugar fest driven by a sugary craving. Since you take Seynani Sugar Blocker only when you want to, you control how often you enjoy sweet treats and only to the extent you feel is best for your skin, weight, and health needs.

Seynani’s Sugar Blocker is all-natural, tasty and easy to use
Find Seynani’s Sugar Blocker Oral Spray at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072BC45L7.
[embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YtvxG9gfh0[/embedyt]
Style Chicks received the Seynani’s Sugar Blocker Oral Spray in exchange for our unbiased review and received compensation for our time and effort. However, our experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% ours.