If you’re reading this, you probably do not need to be convinced that most at-home hair removal methods are a time-consuming hassle. Shaving, waxing, tweezing or whatever method you use to remove unwanted hair can get uneven and short-term results.
Want a long-lasting, hair removal system? IPL laser treatments for hair removal at the doctor’s office or the spa are effective but expensive and time-consuming. That’s why we love the DEESS iLight3 Home IPL Beauty Device, a home IPL device for Permanent hair removal.

The GSD-approved DEESS iLight device makes at-home hair removal easy!
One GSD-approved iLight device, one hair removal attachment, a plug outlet cord, and goggles with full instructions.

The DEESS iLight3 Home IPL Beauty Device set
The IPL uses the energy of short intense pulse light that is absorbed by the pigment within the hair follicle root. After repeated treatments, hair doesn’t grow back.

DEESS IPL treatment head emits a short burst of Intense Pulsed Light for about as long a camera flash, but much brighter
The device can be used for arms, legs, underarms, facial and upper lip hair (except near the eyes).

Close view at the IPL light window
It’s convenient to do at home and simple to use.
- Shave the area before treatment.
- When you’re ready to begin, put on the light-shielding goggles and plug in the device. A red light will blink when its’ ready.
- Hold the button for three seconds to start, you will see blinking lights. Adjust the level as necessary, we’ll begin with default level one.
- Hold the device vertically on the skin, so that the light emitting window is positioned directly above the section to be treated.
- When the lights turn green, quickly click the button
- There will be a very bright flash of light. This is the IPL light treating that small section. REPEAT: ALWAYS wear the goggles, because the light is exceptionally bright and eyes must be shielded, as they would be in a professional treatment setting
- Move the device to the next area and click again, repeating the process until the area is covered, one click per section
- Once any redness subsides, treat the entire area again, one click per section.
If you can tolerate the device without discomfort, you can choose a more powerful setting than the lowest default level. This is especially useful for stubborn areas of unwanted hair. Most areas respond fastest to levels three to five, but lower levels will work fine, it might just take longer for permanent results.
Use the device weekly for one month, Then use it twice a week for the next two to three months.
Regular use gets results! Use for 10-12 weeks, hair grows thinner after 3-4 treatments. Touch up every 4 to 6 weeks for smooth, hair-free skin on areas such as legs, arms, and underarms.

DEESS is a more powerful device than many at-home hair removal products, which means results that last
I found it easy to use, and it was not at all painful. By comparison, I had my underarm hair removed at a spa and even with the numbing cream, it did hurt and it took three to four sessions spaced out over a few months to get results.
The DEESS iLight3 Home IPL Beauty Device not only didn’t hurt at all even upon more sensitive areas, but the results so far have been quite impressive. It compares very well with the results I got from a professional. Not only is it easier, faster, more sanitary, more private and more convenient to do the hair removal yourself at home, but it is far more cost-effective. The cost of just my underarm hair removal at a spa cost was almost double what the cost of the entire DEESS iLight3 Home IPL Beauty Device kit! With IPL laser hair removal for legs at a spa costing several hundred dollars and up, I was so pleased to see how quickly and effectively the DEESS iLight3 Home IPL Beauty Device has worked so far on my legs and legs, even stray hairs on toes and fingers.
TIP: The IPL light is VERY intense. Always wear the goggles while using the device!
Regrowth is getting more and more sparse during the treatment timing, so I love not having to shave my legs as often. I also like that it accomplishes this on the one cartridge, whereas devices like NoNo! required multiple replacement cartridges over a short period of time and they were not nearly as effective. I also like that I can treat all problem hair areas: arms, armpits, legs, and upper lip with one device.
Find the DEESS iLight3 Home IPL Beauty Device at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071J5JRWV

DEESS is a cost-effective, painless way to permanently remove hair from home
Style Chicks received the DEESS iLight3 Home IPL Beauty Device in exchange for our unbiased review. However, our experience with the product and the opinions expressed in this review are 100% ours.